Our vision
We believe all nurses have the right to be treated the way we vow to treat our patients, with dignity, respect and with the individuals at the heart of any process. We believe that peoples lives should not be unfairly impacted by the NMC and that as a regulatory body they should act with care and consideration to maintain both the public and its registrants safety without prejudice. We believe that nurses should feel able to work passionately and professionally within healthcare and feel supported to do so without fear.
Our Mission
To expose the corruption of the NMC and support nurses who have been victims of this.
To support nurses and families who have been unfairly impacted by the investigative processes of the NMC.To expose the damaging impact of these process.To create a collective voice of experiences and highlight the corruption within the NMC.To lobby the government based on the above to action a public enquiry into the NMC and push for change.
We believe that people deserve a voice and to supress this voice has harmful impacts on peoples health, we want to give the voice back to those who have been silenced.We want to empower people to speak and feel able to be open about their experiences with the NMC without fear.We want to encourage and empower through a collective voice.